
September 07, 2023

What’s the weight of PXID bikes?

The weight of PXID MANTIS-P6 is 88 lbs.

The weight of PXID ANTELOPE-P5 is 85 lbs.

The weight of PXID LIGHT-P4 is 49 lbs.

The weight of PXID LIGHT-P2 is 45 lbs.


What’s the weight of PXID scooters?

The weight of PXID BESTRIDE is 61 lbs /63 lbs.

The weight of PXID BESTRIDE PRO is 107 lbs.

The weight of PXID URBAN 03 is 62 lbs.

The weight of PXID URBAN P1 is 29 lbs.

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